Web clipper android
Web clipper android

From now on, the malware can be found in the apps management section of the system preferences only. The Trojan hides its icon from the list of applications on the Android home screen. Once the Trojan is launched on an infected device, it displays a fake error message and continues to operate in hidden mode. One of the examined modifications of Android.Clipper is guised as an application for Bitcoin digital wallets: These malicious programs pose a threat to Android users.Īndroid.Clipper is capable of replacing the digital wallet numbers of the QIWI, WebMoney (R and Z), and Yandex.Money payment systems, as well as the Bitcoin, Monero, zCash, DOGE, DASH, Etherium, Blackcoin and Litecoin cryptocurrencies. They were dubbed Android.Clipper.1.origin and Android.Clipper.2.origin. In August 2018, records of two modifications of a clipper Trojan Android.Clipper were added to the Dr.Web virus databases. Trojans for Android with similar functions are rarely seen in the wild. Until recently, such malicious programs bothered Windows users only. Trojans capable of replacing digital wallet numbers in the clipboard in order to send money to cybercriminals instead of recipients are commonly referred to as “clippers”. In August 2018, Doctor Web virus analysts examined several malicious programs with similar functions designed for the Android mobile platform.

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Trojans for Microsoft Windows that replace wallet numbers in the clipboard during operations involving digital money and cryptocurrencies are widespread and well known for both computer users and information security specialists.

Web clipper android